Heavy Machine Safety: Avoiding Problems Through Proper Training

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Heavy Machine Safety: Avoiding Problems Through Proper Training

Heavy Machine Safety: Avoiding Problems Through Proper Training

As of 2017, more than 18,000 injuries occurred in the U.S. due to machine safety accidents. Obviously, working around heavy equipment requires a level of respect for these large machines.

Not being attentive or adhering to safety protocols can lead to injury or even death. And since each situation is different, accidents can happen to both seasoned veterans and trainees. And injuries aren’t the only issue. Accidents are costly and can lead to multiple other problems in the workplace, such as lawsuits.

To learn more about how to prevent the misuse of heavy machinery, read on.

Engineer in factory checking safety list

Use Protective Gear

Every person working around heavy equipment should wear protective gear.

Operating heavy machinery is not the only accident that can occur. Sometimes, debris or other materials are launched from the machine. It is important to stay alert but also to wear gear such as:

  • Hardhats
  • Safety goggles
  • Protective gloves
  • Sturdy footwear

All gear and clothing should be highly visible. This will lessen the accidents that may occur due to poor lighting and blind spots.

Use Mounting Machines

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), slip and fall injuries are the third largest cause of workplace accidents.

The Three-Point Contact system is a common safety protocol method to use while working with heavy machinery. This simply means three of four limbs remain in contact with the vehicle or machine at all times.

Essentially, you attempt to make a triangle of anchor points (limbs). Doing so will prevent slips and falls. Remember:

  • Watch where you’re stepping, as some rails can become slippery.
  • Never try to mount or dismount while the equipment is moving!

Require Training

If you don’t have adequate training on a specific machine or device, you should not be operating it. It sounds simple, yet many machine accidents occur due to improper training. Not only are people putting themselves at risk, they also could harm others in the process.

Those unaware of how to move a house should receive proper training from experienced professionals before the project. An untrained worker could not only be injured but could end up damaging equipment.

Use Effective Communication

Preventing accidents in the workplace can be aided through a well-organized communication system. Assuming someone’s intentions can be dangerous. A good way of communicating is using two-way radios or hand signals.

The status of an operation can change by the minute. Effective communication is a must, even if it seems tedious.

Mind Load Maximums

When working around heavy equipment to move objects, be aware that there is a load maximum. Loads that become too overbearing can cause equipment to malfunction.

Rollovers of heavy machines and vehicles do happen and can lead to catastrophic results. Management needs to train workers for each machine, and load maximums should definitely be a part of equipment safety protocol.

Machine Safety and You

We understand that machine safety is a significant concern. This is why it is important to communicate effectively and to wear protective gear when operating machinery and moving equipment.

And don’t forget to invest in the best equipment. Transporting loads can become a problem without the best machine skates around. Browse our product catalog and choose the perfect fit for your project today!