Tips for Safely Moving Heavy Machinery

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Tips for Safely Moving Heavy Machinery

Moving heavy machinery is dangerous. You need to know what you’re doing if you want to be safe. Here are some tips to make sure your operation goes smoothly.

Make a Plan

Heavy machinery isn’t easy to move. You’ll need a solid plan before you even start thinking about moving anything. A clear plan for moving means having everything figured out ahead of time. You should already know what kind of equipment you will need, and you should know which moving company you’ll be working with.

Working with a reputable moving company is the best way to ensure an easy move. In addition. you’ll want to always use to best moving equipment available to ensure safety while moving. Reputable companies almost always use the most reliable equipment, so you’ll never have to stress about getting the job done right.

Follow Your Schedule

Having a plan is one thing, but without a schedule, you’ll be lost. You should have a clear idea in your head of what’s happening when, where, and who’s doing what. The best schedules assign tasks to the right people at specific times and locations. This way everyone knows where they’re going and what they’re doing. Without a schedule, workers may not know what they’re doing, which is a great way to raise the risk of accident or injury.

Check the Heavy Machinery Owner’s Manual

You need to check the owner’s manual before moving heavy equipment. There are many variables to consider before the move that need to be locked in. It will give you guidance on what to do to avoid accidents during the move.

It will teach you how to disconnect batteries, secure loose/vulnerable parts, empty fluids from engines, and more. Always follow the manual exactly as it instructs. It may also mention special permits you’ll need to move such large equipment. You should always double-check to make sure you are not violating any laws or codes in your area. Planning a move only for it to be halted by officials or police can set you back hugely.

Know the Costs & Expenses

Moving heavy equipment can be an expensive process. It involves a lot of planning, equipment, work, and time. Understanding all the possible costs of the move is imperative to make sure it goes well. Budgeting in some cushion in case of any surprises is recommended. In addition, you should consider anything that needs to be stored or transported separately.

Use the Right Equipment

The right equipment makes the difference between a successful move and a dangerous one. Hevi-Haul makes the best structure and machine moving equipment available. Reach out to us today if you need help picking out quality equipment that will serve it’s purpose well!

How Rollers Defy the Laws of Physics

Utility skates are based on a simple technology: the roller. A roller is basically a long wheel. It’s a very simple design built to make moving heavy things easy, but how do they do that exactly?

The Physics Problems

Gravity is the universal force that pulls objects down towards the Earth’s center. And the more mass something has, the more gravity tries to keep is stuck on the ground. Essentially, gravity is why big things are heavy. There’s so much gravitational force pulling down on them that they can be almost impossible to move. If, however, you can reduce friction, it is possible.

So, What Is Friction?

Friction is the force that stops two objects from sliding against each other. It’s why heavy things are hard to move. For example, you can slide a glass of water across a table relatively easily. That’s because the glass isn’t very heavy, and the table is flat and smooth. There’s not a lot of friction. Change the glass to a bucket and the table to a gravel path, however, and it suddenly becomes much harder to move because there’s a lot more friction.

When something is heavy and on a hard surface—like an industrial crane on concrete—there are big friction problems. This is because the weight and gravitational pull on the crane are so strong that any lateral movement is impossible. So, when trying to move huge objects, you essentially need something that defies the laws of physics.

Rollers: The Solution

When it comes to moving big things, rollers are a time-tested solution. By breaking the gravitational bond between two surfaces (by being placed between the objects), rollers reduce friction—allowing seemingly unmovable objects to easily be moved from one point to another.

Rollers are basically a variation of the wheel. A key difference between rollers and wheels, however, is that while wheels are tall and narrow, rollers are short and wide. This difference in the surface contact area is the reason rollers are so strong. It increases the load-carrying capacity immensely, allowing even the heaviest objects to defy the law of physics.

Rollers don’t turn gravity off, of course, but they reduce its effect so much that you don’t really even notice it. They’re really the only practical solution to moving heavy objects, which is why they’ve been used for moving structures for centuries.

Leave the Heavy Lifting to Our Rollers

Hevi-Haul rollers can literally carry tons of weight. And their incredible load capacity can be doubled, tripled, and even quadrupled if you place a skate under each corner of an object. That’s why so many warehouse managers keep a set of rollers on site—because they know how easy our skates make moving machines and equipment.

For premiere skates and easy industrial moving, choose customizable roller skates from Hevi-Haul. Contact us today for more information.

Everything You Need on Your Rigging Equipment Checklist

Injuries have cost companies as much as $62 billion in a single year. For material movers, the right rigging equipment is a must to reduce injuries and boost efficiency. But it can be hard to know the must-haves when it comes to rigging tools, especially with the weight and pressure of giant jobs.

Don’t worry. When it comes to heavy rigging equipment, we’re here for support. Here is a list of everything you need before you get moving.

First, What Is Rigging Equipment?

Rigging equipment is gear needed to lift and support materials. And to say it’s important is an understatement. More than half of all mobile crane accidents happen because of problems in the rigging stage.

What heavy lifting equipment needs to be in place to hoist a load?

Get Off the Ground with Hooks

Quality hooks can act as a hand or lend support like a joint. The key to lifting with hooks is securing a sturdy grip. If hooks slip, cargo could crash hard.

Here are a few common hooks:

  • Self-locking – As the name suggests, these hooks clamp shut to keep items secure.
  • Clevis – These hooks can connect directly to cables or chains.
  • Slip – Each of these hooks are like a doorway, letting chains slide through and wrap around objects.

Need added support?

Get Rooted with Shackles

When it comes to lifting tons at a time, shackles have been a sturdy go-to for decades. Shackles are built to link up a solid base to a heavy load. They have two parts: a pin and curved shackle. There are different combos of pin and body pieces, including screw pins, round pins, anchor shackles, and chain shackles.

What about hardcore connectors?

Tie it All Together with Ropes, Chains, and Slings

Ropes and slings are one of the most used types of rigging equipment. But with half a dozen different types of slings, nailing down the perfect type depends on the job. Here are a few of the most popular materials out there:

  • Wire
  • Chain
  • Metal mesh

Once the cargo is up, what’s the best way to move it?

Glide Smoothly with Machinery Skates

Machinery skates are built for massive moves. For instance, in 2016, a 300,000-pound tavern was relocated using Hevi-Haul skates. Once a big structure is propped up, these friction fighters can help carry heavy loads to their final destination.

Here are some common types of machinery skates:

But even if the rigging equipment checklist is complete, tapping into professional advice can make or break a job.

Let the Pros Carry Some Weight

When it comes to heavy rigging equipment, the stakes are high. A recent OSHA study involving heavy moving found one in three accidents involved problems in rigging. Doing research and getting help from the experts could safeguard against wrecked jobs and injuries.

Have questions about what options are best for a project? We’re here to lend a hand. Visit our news page, or contact us today and get advice from the experts.

Heavy equipment is often one of the most dangerous aspects of a workplace. Transporting this equipment leads to numerous injuries, which in turn leads to company losses. In fact, there were about 404 annual deaths from mobile heavy equipment between 1992 and 2010.

Workplace injuries and fatalities lead to both manpower and financial costs for businesses. But using the right equipment can help employers avoid these injuries and losses.

When moving heavy equipment, a beam trolley can play a pivotal role. It’s a versatile tool that can be used in a range of manufacturing and assembly plant applications. But that doesn’t mean it’s right for every application.

Read on to see if a beam trolley would benefit your business.

What Is a Beam Trolley?

Beam trolleys are specifically used to help re-position hoists vertically along a beam. When assessing their quality, there are several factors that affect quality. For instance:

  • Most buyers look for corrosion-resistant beam trolleys. This is because the product lasts longer, meaning money saved on equipment costs.
  • If you are working with flammable or explosive goods, looking for a spark-resistant beam trolley makes sense.
  • Sealed bearings will help your equipment roll more smoothly. Additionally, anti-drop plates improve the safety and durability of the trolley. This helps prevent accidents and damage when the wheels touch the rail end stoppers.

Since trolleys come in a variety of capacities, measure exactly what weight capacity you need.

When to Use a Beam Trolley

When simply moving equipment from one place to another, these devices can work in your favor. The equipment being moved must be able to easily attach to the trolley with a hook.

Finally, the l-beam trolley can be useful for moving products and equipment around curves. The trolley’s tracks can directed to different trajectories.

When Not to Use a Beam Trolley

Beam trollies do not work in every situation. For instance:

  • If you are moving equipment along an incline, these trolleys can create a dangerous situation due to the weight of the equipment or product. Other moving tools are better suited for this circumstance.
  • These trollies are also not suited for motorized movement or for use as a work surface.

If a trolley won’t meet your needs, there are a variety of machinery skates that can safely and efficiently move heavy equipment in a range of directions.

Get What You Need

If your workplace fits the criteria above, a beam trolley may be cost-effective option for you. But, if the beam trolley doesn’t seem like the right fit, make sure to browse our products. At Hevi-Haul, we’ve been innovating in the heavy rigging and material handling industry since 1938.

A Distributor’s Guide to Hiring Heavy Equipment Movers

Machinery and equipment is a $192 billion industry, which means there’s a lot of equipment getting manufactured, sold, and moved.

If you’re moving equipment from one location to another or moving your entire facility altogether, you’re going to need heavy equipment movers to get the job done. But how to find the right one? A lot goes into finding the right company to handle your equipment. While cost is a factor, it’s not the most important one in this situation.

Here are some of the most important things to look for when hiring a heavy equipment mover so your job gets done the right way.

Check Your Inventory

Before you get started, the first thing you need to do is check your inventory. This will help you in two ways.

First, while you’re going through the process of hiring heavy equipment movers, you’ll be able to give the company an actual inventory of what they’re going to transport. This gives you a better chance of getting a realistic estimate.

Secondly, this helps during the handling and moving (and possible storage) process.

While taking the actual inventory, make note of any scratches, dents, or other damage. Take photos of it all. If there’s a discrepancy with the mover over damaged equipment, you’ll know what’s new and what was already damaged.

Plan Ahead

Moving heavy equipment takes a lot of planning, so make sure you have it all outlined ahead of time. Jot down your inventory, your timeframe, and your expectations.

Then, review the plan with your employees so everyone is on the same page in the process. This reduces the amount of confusion and downtime during the move. It also helps to have a written game plan when you’re getting quotes.

What to Look for When Hiring Heavy Equipment Movers

After the pre-moving steps are complete, it’s time to find a heavy equipment mover. Hiring machine movers is a lot like hiring movers for your personal items but on a grander scale.

Check Reviews and References

Ask others in your industry who they’ve used when moving machinery in the past. What did they like and dislike about the movers?

Read customer reviews to learn what other companies’ experiences were. Try to ignore any overly aggressive or negative comments. Stick to the ones that offer useful feedback.

You Want Experience

You need a company who can face any challenge and overcome it. That comes with experience and years of hard work.

Sometimes, a high-ranking employee leaves one company and starts their own. In this case, find out how long they’ve been in the industry and if they have any references.

What Services Do They Offer?

You may only need to move machinery or you could need someone to store your equipment for a period of time. Find out if the company has commercial storage or access to it.

Do they load and unload the equipment? Will they help pull permits? Find a company who offers exactly what you need.

You’ll also want to make sure they have all the tools to get the job done. If not, they’ll be renting it and passing those costs on to you.

Ask About Insurance

The final factor to consider is how much insurance coverage they have. They should have enough to cover the full cost of replacing all your heavy equipment. If something goes wrong and you lose equipment, you want to ensure they’ll cover the cost of replacing it.

You also want a company in compliance with OSHA’s safety standards and any other regulatory guidelines.

Move Your Machine the Right Way

Hiring heavy equipment movers is a long process, but if you do your due diligence, you’ll have a smoother transport. You want to be sure the machine movers you hire are using the best equipment to get your job done.

For quality and dependability, choose Hevi-Haul products. Learn how our products move the world in our video gallery or check out our line of machinery skates and custom skates.

Contact us today with any questions. We’d be glad to help!

5 Quick Tips About Moving with Equipment Skates

The wheel is one of mankind’s greatest inventions. Our ancestors instinctively knew that rolling things is easier and faster than dragging or carrying them. And modern moving equipment has only made it easier since then.

For instance,equipment skates are the modern version of putting wooden logs under heavy objects. They are notably useful in areas where a forklift or a crane is not the best choice, such as in a warehouse or an office.

Moving heavy loads is a dangerous job. In fact, millions died while working on the Great Wall of China. So, if you’re using machine skates to move heavy objects, remember these five tips to help keep you and your co-workers safe from equipment accidents.

1. Check Yourself

As the operator, you need to do your own risk assessment for the job to be done. You’re responsible for your own safety and for those of the people you work with.

  • First, if you’re not properly trained in handling machine moving skates, don’t even attempt it.
  • Next, always wear the correct personal protective equipment (PPE), such as safety goggles and hard hats.
  • Also, make sure you have received medical clearance from your doctor to operate heavy equipment.
  • Do not, under any circumstances, move heavy loads while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

2. Check Your Equipment Skates

Before using equipment like moving rollers and skates, you should check the condition of the machines for any faults or defects. Remember:

  • Your machines should have all the safeguards fitted and installed properly.
  • Learn their load limits and how they’re designed to move. Some skates can only go in straight paths while others can swivel and move in any direction.
  • Perform regular maintenance, and repair or replace damaged parts as needed.

3. Check Your Load

The weight of the load is vital information that you need to know. Remember:

  • Overloading the machine skates is something that you never should do.
  • The weight will also determine how much force you’ll need to move the load. In general, one person can pull up to two tons.
  • You should also study the weight distribution and the dimensions of the load. These data will determine how many points of contact are necessary when the load is on top of the skates.

4. Check Your Surroundings

The path to the desired space is an important consideration. Don’t forget:

  • If it is a straight path, you can use straight-line skates, but you’ll need compact swivel skates if there will be curves and turns.
  • The path should be clear of debris.
  • Mark and tag all obstructions and hazards along the path. These include overhead power lines, low clearance, and underground utilities. You should also take note of cracks that you may need to repair with a filler.

5. Check the People Around You

This one should be obvious: You shouldn’t permit children and animals to be around the work area.

Proper communication is key. Always be in constant communication with your co-workers.

While moving the load, you’ll have blind spots. You need to be aware of personnel that could be behind you or in your blind spots. Have a spotter guide you in these situations.

Always Keep Safety in Mind

We can’t always guarantee safety, but we hope that you can avoid most accidents by reading these tips. Our equipment skates are designed with everyone’s safety taken into consideration, and we want you to be as safe as possible when using them.

If you have questions about our products, please contact us. And if you want more tips on moving with equipment skates, don’t forget to check out more on our blog.

5 of the Very Best Tools for Moving Heavy Equipment

Over 400 work-place fatalities involving heavy machinery occur each year.

This is why if you work in a dangerous occupation, it’s important to practice safe working habits. These safe habits are especially important when it comes to moving heavy equipment.

Read below for the five best tools to use when moving heavy equipment.

1. Utility Machine Skates

Utility machine skates are perfect tools to move medium loads. And machine skates are easy to use in areas where using a forklift or crane is not possible. When using them, remember:

  • Utility skates have a weight capacity of 37.5 tons.
  • They work best when moving machinery in straight lines or turns.
  • Their wide stance provides stability and weight distribution.
  • Their low profile design allows maximum load clearance while needing minimum load jacking.

2. Compact Swivel Skates

Compact swivel skates allow maximum moving capacity. Features of these compact swivel skates include:

  • They come with full directional control so they don’t have to move in straight lines. This allows you to avoid obstacles.
  • They can use steel or polyurethane-coated rollers, depending on the surface your equipment will be on.
  • They have a weight capacity from 1.5 to 12.5 tons per skate.

3. Straight Line Skates

Straight line skates are best for moving heavy loads up to 100 tons that can stick to a straight, designated path. These skates sit low to the ground, making lifting and setting down of large machinery easier and more accessible.

Straight line skates are customizable for your business’s particular needs. Here are a few options to look out for:

  • Long, slim, or short models
  • Ability to protect the floor from damage
  • Quality material

4. Roller Dollies

Roller dollies are for moving equipment that is heavy but not over-sized. There are a variety of dollies available, so it’s important to choose the right one for the job.

When moving heavy equipment, machinery moving dollies should be your choice. These roller dollies require less power to move due to the central load bearing plate. Most can move up to 15 tons and rotate 360 degrees.

When moving large objects with a roller dolly, you should also use a ratchet strap. The ratchet strap will help secure your equipment to help prevent any accidents.

5. Toe Jacks

Toe jacks are essential when trying to move heavy equipment without a forklift. They help lift the corners of heavy objects up off the floor, allowing you to slide your moving equipment under the object.

These are often used with one of the four previously mentioned moving tools. Toe jacks can help make any heavy equipment moving job easier.

More Tips for Safely Moving Heavy Equipment

When it comes to moving heavy equipment, safety is important to ensure your workers don’t end up in the fatality statistics.

Here are a few safety tips to keep in mind:

  • Conduct proper training.
  • Always wear safety gear.
  • Be aware of load maximums.
  • Communicate with co-workers.
  • Understand your equipment.

Contact us if you’re looking for more help moving heavy equipment or are in the market for custom moving tools. And don’t forget to browse our product catalog to see our selection of customizable skates!

How Do Machine Skates Work?

When it comes to moving heavy equipment or product, workers rely on forklifts, pallet trucks, and cranes. But these tools don’t work in every situation. First, they’re cost-prohibitive. Second, they don’t always fit in the work spaces where they’re needed.

So, how do you move heavy objects around limited areas, such as warehouses or offices? Machine skates offer an affordable, easy-to-use option.

The ABCs of Machine Skates

A variety of industries, from manufacturing to aerospace to power plants, employ machine skates to tackle their heaviest lifting. This is because machine skates offer flexibility, serious hauling power, and ease of use. Whether you’re moving heavy castings, large structures, or cargo, machine skates offer dependable, user-friendly transportation.

Some benefits of skates include:

  • They come in many designs, each tailored to handle specific load types and weights.
  • They’re engineered to move across different flooring types, from smooth to uneven.
  • They allow for the even distribution of weight along points of contact.

How many skates should you use? This depends on several factors, including the weight of the load, the width and length of the load, and how rigid the support structure beneath the load will be.

Between three and six skates can be used to provide the same number of points of contact. These points of contact ensure support and stability.

Getting the load atop the skates represents the first step in successfully using machine skates. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the biggest challenges.

First Things First

When you’re working with two, four, or six-ton loads, figuring out how to raise them high enough to get machine skates underneath them can appear daunting. Luckily, tools such as compact jacks, toe jacks, low height single acting cylinders, and pancake cylinders solve the problem.

Once the load is boosted, slide the skates into place. When they’re properly positioned, slowly lower the load onto them. Then, attach the steering bars and start pushing.

Safely Moving Loads

The manpower required to move things along will vary, but here are some general guidelines:

For lighter loads, one person can safely push up to two tons of weight. This estimate assumes that you’re moving across a smooth space that’s clear of debris. As load weight increases, so does the amount of force needed to move it.

Quality Matters

Considering the weights carried by machine skates, it’s important to invest in top-quality equipment, whether you’re renting or buying. Otherwise, you risk equipment malfunctions. As an investment, look for machine skates built for rugged endurance.

Choose skates with polyurethane wheels that go the extra mile. They have a higher load-bearing capacity than wheels made of rubber. And they’re resistant to oils and solvents. What’s more, they hold up to weather, temperature extremes, and tears. Finally, they’re less likely to tear up workplace floors.

Know Your Machine Skates

Besides opting for quality, choose the best skates to transport your loads. We manufacture a wide range of machine skates designed to handle diverse load ranges. To learn more about our products, contact us today.

4 Steps to Safely Using Machine Moving Rollers

Machine moving rollers transport heavy machinery, equipment, and other materials safely and easily.

They operate in spaces where forklifts and pallet trucks simply can’t, such as office spaces and multi-story buildings. What’s more, their versatility remains unmatched, with some moving rollers capable of hauling more than 100 tons.

As with any heavy machinery, operating machine moving rollers requires attention to workplace safety. Read on for four ways to ensure your safety on the job.

1. Know What You’re Moving

One of the biggest dangers workers face when using moving rollers happens when they underestimate the weight of the cargo for transport. To avoid this, start by getting specs on the types of load you’ll be hauling. Then, choose appropriate moving rollers based on weight.

Also, always opt for moving rollers with at least 25 percent more capacity than your load. Why? Because uneven moving surfaces happen. A lot. When they do, loads balance on three points. A larger capacity means that the machine moving rollers you use will handle the job despite surface variations.

2. Inspect Your Equipment Regularly

Before each use, carefully inspect moving rollers. Some things to remember:

  • Pay attention to the chain and chain rollers. These should move easily, demonstrating full functionality before any heavy lifting starts.
  • You’ll also want to check the position of the chain roll in the track. In the roller frame, it should fall dead center, with no visible shifts from side to side.
  • As you position the load on the moving rollers, you’ll want to check in visually. For example, the load should rest completely on the roller. In the case of swivel or swivel lock models, it should cover the swivel top plate.

3. Take It Slowly

Using moving rollers means you’re moving weighty objects. This takes time and a practiced hand. So, don’t rush the process. Always:

  • Take time to inspect your work area, ensuring it’s clear of debris and trip hazards.
  • Have someone nearby in case you need a hand.

And remember: One of the most dangerous parts of using moving rollers involves positioning the object to be transported. You can use toe jacks to streamline this process, but always lower them slowly.

4. Stability Matters

A variety of factors lead to unstable loads: uneven or cluttered floors, top heavy loads, and improper roller alignments. To help stabilize your loads:

  • Before using machine moving rollers, inspect your designated pathway for uneven or cluttered areas. Clear all potential trip hazards, and use pads to prevent load shift.
  • Besides ensuring a clear walking path and adding pads, monitor for signs of load shift. Loads with a high center of gravity require extra care.
  • Consider temporarily attaching the load to the roller for added stability.

Workplace Safety Starts with You

Like other heavy equipment, moving rollers present a significant workplace safety risk when OSHA guidelines get overlooked. These risks can result in catastrophic injury or even death. But by following the basic principles outlined above, you’ll ensure a safer working environment for everyone.

Contact us today for more information on which moving rollers are best for your work environment.

The 3 Types of Machine Moving Skates You Need to Know

Need to move a heavy object weighing over a ton? Our machine moving skates are just the tool you need to do the job. Check out the three skate varieties we offer.

Utility Skates

Our utility skates are the most versatile machinery moving dollies we offer. They are ideal for turning as well as maneuvering large objects in a straight line. Weight capacity for these machine moving skates ranges from 1.5 tons to 37.5 tons per skate.

You have the option to change out the rolling wheels with either steel or polyurethane coated rollers. Go with steel as an all-purpose choice suitable for most floors. Polyurethane coated rollers are great for flooring that needs extra protection, like epoxy coated surfaces. The wide stance of these skates provides increased stability and equal weight distribution under the load. And the fully welded steel frames guarantee a quality product fit for all your machine moving needs.

We offer utility skates in tilting and non-tilting varieties, with the option for rigid stability or swivel support for both.

Straight Line Skates

Straight line skates are ideal for moving machines in a straight line in a narrow, limited space. Weight capacity for these heavy-duty moving skates is 2.5 tons to 100 tons per skate. Like our utility skates, these skates also have the option of steel or polyurethane coated rolling wheels.

These skates are designed with a low profile in mind. They are close to the ground, so you don’t have to jack the heavy object up as high to load it onto the skate. The straight line skates are also constructed with fully welded steel frames to ensure their ruggedness for heavy loads. Also, their wide stances offer more stability and even weight distribution under any load.

You have the option to choose from long, short, or slim skates. The longer skates can carry a heavier load up to 100 tons, while the smaller skates are better for moving smaller loads in even tighter spaces.

Compact Swivel Skates

If you need a compact skate with full directional control, our compact swivel skates are just for you. Weight capacity for these machine moving skates ranges from 1.5 tons to 12.5 tons per skate. Like our other skates, you have the option to choose between steel rollers or polyurethane coated rollers. Choose the roller that’s best for the floor on which you’ll be moving your heavy equipment.

What makes these skates so special is the friction plate between the top frame of the dolly and the bottom surface of the swivel plate. This reduces the jostling of the object while moving, ensuring full stability with optimal movement. No locking mechanism required. Should you need purely straight-line movement, you can remove these friction plates with a hex key wrench.

With our compact swivel skates, we offer a variety of packages for your needs. If you need a steel job box or placement handles, we’ve got you covered.

Buy Your Machine Moving Skates Now

We offer quality products at the best prices.

Hevi-Haul Skates has been a trusted company by professional rigging companies and machinery movers for over 80 years now. We are the premier, family-owned American brand of machinery dollies and moving skates.